Ever supporters of unsigned and emerging talent, we’ve teamed up with our awesome friends at Awesome Merch to offer up an even more awesome prize bundle worth over £2000.
One lucky winner may soon find themselves ahead of the game for their band’s next tour, or maybe finally able kickstart that indie label they’ve been dreaming of all these years. Whatever the passion, we know it’s not easy to survive as a relative newcomer to the music industry. Finding venues and promoters that will give new acts a break, saving up enough hard-earned to get into the studio, producing, mastering, promoting… it’s an uphill struggle the entire way. So it’s no wonder that unsigned bands very rarely consider pressing their tracks to vinyl – it often feels like a luxury that’s just out of reach.
Well it just got a lot closer. Today we launched a competition with our good friends at Awesome Merch focused around emerging artists that are preparing to release and tour their debut album, or those enthusiastic gig-goers that have the drive and dream to own a record label. We’ll send the winner out into the world armed with 250 lucky dip colour records in custom printed outer sleeves of their own design, and £1000 worth of Awesome Merchandise to sell to their fans. Entry is simple, just follow the link below and get involved. Best of luck!
Click here to enter!