Split vinyl pressings, a collectors dream

The rise of the vinyl variants

DMS - 03 Apr 2024
For The Record

The demand for music merchandise has never been so strong.

More and more music fans have turned to collecting their favourite band or record label's merch.

From t-shirts to mugs, tote bags to cassettes, jumpers to records, the list goes on, as bands become more and more inventive. You'll see the larger bands with entire clothing ranges with their fans queuing up at the merch stand to buy multiple designs, eager to add the latest jumper or tour t-shirt to their ever-growing collection of the band's merchandise.

Cloudy effect vinyl

This desire to collect extends to vinyl too!

Traditionally, when a band released their album it would be available to buy on black vinyl, and black vinyl only. However, times have changed!

With manufacturing advances and continuing reports of fans buying records with the intention of collecting them any and every pressing, the vinyl variants were born.

Cornetto effect vinyl

Labels and bands are now manufacturing two, three, four, or more, different variants of the same record, often making them in extremely limited numbers.

This makes each variant highly sought after and collectable. Fans will buy the "same" record over and over, as they want to collect all of the variants. This applies to CDs too and is a great way for labels and bands to increase their sales without increasing their fan base - independent bands, take note!

Side A/B effect vinyl

Variations aren't solely differing vinyl colours and effects either...

We've pressed vinyl releases featuring differing sleeve designs, certain variants coming with extra inserts and booklets. One variant has a collectable bellyband or a slipcase for instance. We've even pressed variants that come with a secret bonus 7" vinyl!

It might seem alien to some to own more than one copy of the same record, but the reality is its now big business and with the options endless, it is a must for any label or band to consider when planning their releases.

Spinner effect vinyl

Interested in creating your release with multiple variants? Get in touch with us now by building your quote and selecting "Colour Split Pressings" in your Product Options here!

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