Brexit Means? Business As Usual!

Whatever the eventual outcome, our team are as prepared as can be.

Tom Ogilvie for DMS - 03 Jan 2020
The Adventures of DMS

Oh yes, more Brexit talk. We all know what a confusing mess this is, but with the potential of a British exit from the European Union inching ever-closer, we'd like to make some promises to you fine people across the UK, Europe and the rest of this very much spherical planet. There are so many unanswered questions; until politicians sort themselves out and provide some clarity to the situation, we can only guess what might happen. Whatever the case though, our team are as prepared as can be, which means you can continue to operate with the utmost confidence that your orders will arrive as planned.

Our pledge to you:

  • Guaranteed no changes in customs tariffs payable by clients for orders placed prior to final Brexit announcements by the UK & EU. If you have fully placed and/or paid for an order with us prior to the UK leaving the EU and there are extra customs charges caused by Brexit they will be paid by DMS.

  • No double VAT payments that some clients are worried about. EU deliveries will all ship from within the EU so will continue to be inter EU shipping with the same VAT and customs duties applied as now.

  • For our clients residing outside the EU/EEA, Brexit will not cause any changes to the services we deliver.

  • UK clients may initially experience a few days additional delay in delivery of finished records, but we expect this backlog will soon move back to normal as customs officials on both sides of the UK/EU border get familiar with any new rules.

  • DMS and its freight companies will take care of any additional shipping paperwork. Our shipping team are experienced in all these matters. We just ask you to give us all requested shipping information well in advance. Last minute changes in addresses may cause some delays.

  • Clients can continue to pay after Brexit in GBP, Euros or USD with rates adjusted to the current exchange rates.

If you have any specific questions, please don’t hesitate to ask your account manager, and if they don’t immediately know the answer one of our team will endeavour to find out.

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